Friday, May 30, 2008

Sparkly Leotards

Having the desire to skip out of the state and join some desert Indians somewhere in the cliffs of New Mexico, I have opted to write a little to my blog and go to bed trying to ignore a loud "Stargate" episode blasting from the T.V--from the husband (praise the Lord for orange ear plug things). I am full of pregnant emotion and might write things I could regret, therefore, I will just feel the satisfaction that there are others out there who have hated their husbands at one point in time and who have wished that they were single and could join the circus if they really wanted to...(not saying that life now is not similar to the circus, I just think it would be fun to be on some trapeze or something and wear sparkly leotards)...oh, and I guess I could say the same about myself! Hahh.. Imagining my husband in a sparkly leotard has suddenly made me feel a whole lot better. So, this has worked and you have all helped me tonight. Thank you! Well, goodnight, and I will attempt to be better on my writing though my life right now does not allow me to be very commital in my blog entries. I love you all. If any of you are upset by my man-hate right now, then I suggest, you stop reading my blog all together, cuz this is a little too much realism that you may not be ready for. Goodnight--bitter, pregnant woman., Ana!


  1. Picturing ANY man in a leotard makes a woman laugh!! It is good for us to laugh at our husband's expense every once in a while. It doesn't make you a man-hater. It makes you an emotional, hormonal, normal woman who feels the need to express her frustrations every once in a while- at whomever's expense. It just happens to be the hubby who gets the brunt of it...but it's part of the commitment he signed up for. So they just need to deal.

  2. Ana will you be my friend forever! You are the best. I've considered starting a blog with a pen name because I would love to be so candid but I'm afraid some oversensitive relatives would be less than pleased with my candidness. So I'll live vicariously through you! Thanks for a much needed laugh!

  3. Beautiful. The imagery is just too insane that I have to laugh. I have now imagined my own husband in a sparkly leotard and wow that is really hilarious. Yikes. Thanks for the giggles. As for hating our hubbys (especially when I am pregnant) has definitely happened. Why is it when we are eight million months pregnant they feel the yearning desire to just be retarded. Don't know, but wow could they just get a clue on the timing of there retardedness. That said I best stop because it does pass and then we get over it, mostly. Haha.

  4. You are so crazy!!who is your mother?.
    Just remember when you are right in the middle of "active labor" to remind him NEVER TO TOUCH YOU AGAIN!!.but then, you will have to make sure he lives up to it.
    Hang in there my sweetie, this too shall pass,and just like every other trial we get our selves into,someday you will look back with gladness for the lesson learned.

  5. I have had days like that before. (without having to be pregnant. )

    must be PMS or something like that for me.

    Heather P

    (looks like you have another Heather commenting on your blog. I will just sign myself as Heather P)

  6. I LOVE and MISS you Ana!!!! It's been far too long since I've seen you. In fact, I had no idea that yet another Marshall was on the way (or is probably here by now). Just reading this brought back the realities of life in a great, glittery way. I mean, Doug in a sparkly leotard? Whoa! That does me for a year of happy, crazy thoughts...and, then, if I add Rob in there with him, oh man!! Maybe we should have just done "Joseph" way back when all in sparkly leotards. . .What a crowd we would have drawn!!!!! Looking forward to more posts. . . .~Melissa Loose

  7. Anadine! You are too funny! I love your post! Hope you feel better soon and that God can "grant you patience to deal with your blessings." (One of my favorite sayings.) Good luck in all you do!

  8. Okay Ana. You got your revenge. Doug has been in sparkley leotards for a over a month now. Bring on the dog pound! ;) Oh, fine you've got a lot going on, blah, blah. JK. I'm just selfishly missing your humor. Think about ME danget!

  9. I thought I had done it all but I have never actually washed poop. It is an interesting concept though. I'm excited for more Ana humor. Such a wonderful blend of optimism, gratitude, and pessimism all wound up in the perfect web of intrigue.
